WordPress-like CMS written in Node.js.

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Development started on December 15th 2021 and will hopefully be finish by end of 2022.

You can help speeding up the process with a small donation.


NordPress uses as much as possible own, small and overlookable libraries that fit perfectly with the project.

The stack of primary libraries are: nano-jsx, tiny-http2-server and editor (yet unnamed).


NordPress should look and feel like WordPress.

The design of the dashboard, managing pages, post and comment, installing and managing themes and plugins should all look and behave similar to WordPress.


NordPress will be free and Open-Source.

The code will be open-sourced once most core features are implemented and stable.

Themes & Plugins

NordPress allows for easily installing 3rd-party themes and plugins.

You can directly install a plugin from a GitHub repository (todo), from the NordPress.org directory (todo) or just uploading a ZipFile.


Just before speed, safety it the most important point about NordPress.

Plugins will have to receive explicit access permissions for managing different parts of NordPress. They will directly be pulled from a public repository which has to have active code scanning tool like CodeQL.


NordPress is not yet open source, but you can follow its development on YouTube and join the discussions on GitHub.


If you like this project, consider making a small donation via GitHub Sponsors.